"Very little reflection would lead any one to conclude that the measure would not furnish in any substantial degree the relief sought by the producers of most of the staple commodities which it covers."
"The imports of wheat have come mainly from Canada and Argentina and have not competed with the domestic crop."
"The price of wheat is a world price; and it is a matter of little moment whether the Canadian wheat goes directly into the markets of the other countries of the world or indirectly through this countr..."
"Actual relief can come only from the adoption of constructive measures of a broader scope, from the restoration of peace everywhere in the world."
"One does not pay a compliment to the American farmer who attempts to alarm him by dangers from foreign competition."
"We have been vigorously building up a great merchant marine and providing for improvement of marketing in foreign countries by the passage of an export trade law."
"If there ever was a time when America had anything to fear from foreign competition, that time has passed."
"Clearly, this is no time for the erection here of high trade barriers."
"Such a policy is antagonistic to the fundamental principle of equal and exact justice to all."
"I herewith call your attention to an agreement with Belgium made by the British and French Premiers and myself."
"In recommending to you that Congress take appropriate action with regard to this agreement, certain facts should be brought to your attention."
"Each of the undersigned will recommend to the appropriate governmental agency of his Government that upon the delivery to the Reparation Commission of such bonds his Government accept an amount thereo..."