"I did not hear one word from Trump tonight about the economic reality facing 60 percent of our people [who live paycheck to paycheck], or the enormous stress that they are living under."
"Trump is spewing misinformation about Social Security so he can ultimately justify cutting your benefits."
"President Trump is trying to deliver an unprecedented giveaway to his billionaire friends."
"Trump claimed that millions of dead people between the ages of 100 and 360 were collecting Social Security checks. That is an outrageous lie intended to lay the groundwork for cuts to Social Security."
"No, we’re not going to cut Social Security. Quite the contrary, we must expand Social Security benefits and extend its solvency for the next 75 years."
"You have no mandate to cut Medicaid."
"I’ll accept the punishment. It’s worth it to let people know that there’s some of us who are going to stand up to against this president’s desire to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."
"Even when facing punishment in the House, Green said his protest was 'worth it to let people know that there are some people who are going to stand up' to Trump."
"We recognise that this is an unprecedented moment."
"These are not normal times, and the black caucus is not interested in being predictable or polite in this moment."
"We will work tirelessly, and we will push back in every possible way."
"We aren't going to let them just do whatever they want."