"That will mean higher local and state taxes to fill the void."
"the most important voice in the anti-Trumpist resistance."
"I did not hear one word from Trump tonight about the economic reality facing 60 percent of our people [who live paycheck to paycheck], or the enormous stress that they are living under."
"Trump claimed that millions of dead people between the ages of 100 and 360 were collecting Social Security checks. That is an outrageous lie intended to lay the groundwork for cuts to Social Security."
"No, we’re not going to cut Social Security. Quite the contrary, we must expand Social Security benefits and extend its solvency for the next 75 years."
"Never before in the history of our nation have income and wealth inequality been greater than today."
"However, the billionaire class is fighting with all its might to put down attempts by workers to exercise their constitutional right to unionize."
"Congress has an urgent responsibility to ensure that workers can join a union and negotiate for higher pay, better benefits, and safer workplaces."
"Supporting the immediate reinstatement of Member Wilcox and the swift passage of the PRO Act would be major steps toward building real worker power."
"These cuts will make it harder for veterans to get health care and benefits."
"Trump wants to fire 83k VA workers, many of whom are veterans themselves, decimating the VA."
"The cuts will make it harder for veterans to get health care and benefits."