"Russia is the aggressor. Putin is a war criminal."
"President Trump is doing everything that he can to get a lasting peace."
"Russia is the aggressor. Putin is a war criminal. And Volodymyr Zelenskyy also fumbled the bag pretty hard."
"Russia is the aggressor. Putin is a war criminal, and Volodymyr Zelensky also fumbled the bag pretty hard."
"America is open for business, but we are not for sale."
"The status quo is not good enough for Americans, which is why Donald Trump got elected."
"What Democrats are doing is they're going to actually make it more difficult when they vote against these tax reforms."
"We've been taken advantage of for years, and we need to level the playing field."
"We have a number of levers, diplomatic, economic and military and diplomatic levers haven't worked."
"The memory is kind of short, because when you look at the OECD nations, they're already talking about leveling 15% tax on anything in businesses that are making $750 million or more."
"When you're not playing fair with America, then we have to do what we can to make sure that we can compete on a fair playing field."
"84% of those in the terror watch list and the FBI terror watch list are apprehended on the northern border."