"It is time for us to take this seriously. We must work swiftly to move, I guess, differently and more effectively of getting most of our eggs out of the basket of China."
"I think most farmers, including myself, would like to find a different path and, quite frankly, we call it hogwash."
"Farm and food security is national security, and good farm policy isn't written by D.C. bureaucrats for D.C. bureaucrats."
"As you are aware, EPA has been taking a novel approach to come into compliance with the endangered species act."
"I have been proud to work with Chairwoman Foxx, Chairman Comer, Chairman Thompson, and the rest of the Minnesota republican delegation in conducting oversight of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and..."
"I look forward to continuing this work until all responsible parties are held accountable, and we get to the bottom of how these agencies allowed this fraud to happen."
"I urge you to consider H.R. 4786, the Feeding Children Not Fraudsters Act, which would audit any cases of COVID-related fraud committed through USDA's child nutrition programs."
"One party in this country doesn't own compassion, and one party in this country doesn't own the willingness to give the shirt off your back for your neighbors that are in need."
"food security is national security"
"I look forward to working with you to pass a strong farm bill that is written by farmers, for farmers."
"American farmers and ranchers efficiently produce the safest and most affordable fuel, food, and fiber in the world."
"I look forward to working together to pass a strong farm bill that is written by farmers for farmers."